Mariachi Media Digital Marketing & Production


VisionBroadcast Media LLC produced video for Mariachi Spectacular de Albuquerque (MSA) again this year. Over the last 90 days MSA's YouTube channel has racked up 128,336 minutes of watch time and almost 20,000 views. This is with no advertising and no sharing on social media. The videos are being watched in 58 countries. 93% are in the United States and 10% in Mexico. Spain, Canada, The Netherlands, Colombia, Germany, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and Argentina round out the top 10 by viewership. 

Facebook Live

Viewers are watching on Facebook too. The live broadcasts and subsequent on demand videos have helped Mariachi Spectacular reach more fans than ever. The MSA Facebook videos have reached well over 100K people and accumulated 40K+ views. 

Social Media

VisionBroadcast Media LLC produced MSA content for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The rewarding nature of the work and effectiveness of the combined video production and social media services made this project one of our favorites of all time.